My Personal Learning JavaScript Guide.


2 min read

I know quite a number of folks who are not into tech right now, but they know something about HTML and CSS and nothing about JavaScript

Why because, they have given it a try at some point in their life. They were able to at least complete their learning with HTML and have a little understanding of CSS, but at JavaScript was where they call it a day or maybe a lifetime.

What a Crazy language! Well, It has to be crazy, JavaScript powers a lot of applications and it requires a high level of understanding and logical routine.

Not to lie, I am still a student of JavaScript, I still learn one thing or the other in JavaScript almost everyday of my life.

If you are struggling with JavaScript, please use this guide,

1. Variables and Data Types.

2. Operators

3. Function Declarations and Expressions

4. Parameters and Arguments

5. Objects

6. Arrays

7. DOM Manipulation ( Selecting Elements, Adding and Removing Elements & Event Handling )

8. Asynchronous JavaScript (Callbacks, Promises, Async/Await)

9. AJax/Fetch API

10. ES6+ Features

Don't rush to pass through each of these topic, learn each and digest them properly before moving to the next,

After learning, stop and think about how you can apply them and in what aspect you can apply them, this is you trying to build your logical reasoning.

Now, make this a single course each, infact, you can even make a timetable to learn each of these for a week, dedicating at least 2hours daily to it.

I know for a fact, this will go along way in helping you have a grasp of the whole idea of JavaScript.

Then building with it is another phase, but understanding comes before building.

May be a black-and-white image of 1 person, smiling and text